Hi! Welcome to ThirtyPages!

What is ThirtyPages about? Books, books and more books! LOL

ThirtyPages really started as kind of a joke between my husband and me. Although I’ve always read here and there I didn’t become an avid reader until more recently. I usual read while my husband watches TV to wind down from the day, and because 99% of the books I read are romance my husband started joking with me and would ask me what page I was on…really he wanted to know if I was on a steamy part of the book yet. Until one day I brought up the idea of blogging to share my love of reading with others and my husband having the personality he does of “go big or go home” he went full steam ahead to trademark ThirtyPages for blogging and apparel and encouraged me to jump in, so here I am.

Reading for me has in some ways always been way form of escape of sorts. Anytime I was “grounded” as a child my choices were to sit there staring at the wall or read a book. As much as reading wasn’t my favorite thing to do it beat sitting there doing nothing. Fast forward to early teen years when I stumbled across my moms’ small collection of books and was sucked in by Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews. Fast forward again to my life today raising a teen and a preteen, life is sometimes busy and sometimes slow. Sometimes rushing to get them to something while sitting in the car or waiting area for their activity to finish bringing me back full circle to reading instead just staring at the wall, lol.

I love when I find and author that I feel like I’m connecting with through their written words and thoughts. I connect with the characters in the story and want to read more about what is happening with them, their family and their friends.